Meditate with your heart…

Ignite the Flames Within & Create What You Love

Meditate with Your Heart to Find Your True Self, Awaken Love & Radiate Inner Beauty

Meditate with us

We meditate multiple times per week on Zoom. Check our website events calendar and RSVP here to receive the special zoom meeting link in your email each week:

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Grow Your Inner Beauty

Either the ego develops thorns, or it develops into a rose; and when it develops into a rose, then everyone is attracted to it because of its beautiful petals, its delicacy, its fragrance, its color, its softness, its structure. Everything about it is attractive, appealing, and healing.” – HIK

There is a kind of beauty that doesn’t come from the latest fashion or having an easy life.

When you feel this, people are magnetically attracted to you and they don’t know why.

They don’t know what it is, but they can feel it. And they want more.

Of course, we’re talking about your inner life. The radiance of love that comes from within.

Hi, my name is Robert and I facilitate a group for self-realization, emotional well-being, and many other blessings.

Through music, meditation, and spiritual study, we provide a safe environment for the unfolding of your true self.

Please join us weekly for our free online zoom meetup.

Everything you need is already inside you.

Let’s re-discover it together.



The Method

Heart Rhythm Meditation is one of the many beautiful forms of meditation developed over the course of human inquiry. A unique and central feature of HRM is our focus on feeling the two key rhythms of the body, the breath and the heartbeat. We find that attention to these rhythms nourishes the mind-body connection bringing us into a state of greater peace and harmony. Like the members of the orchestra playing in symphony, we enter a state of physical well-being and creative flow. We meditate with the rhythm of our hearts to feel loving and energized.

About Your Guide

Robert Siddhartha Peterson has over a decade of experience practicing Heart Rhythm Meditation, with six years of combined training in meditation-based programs including the Institute for Applied Meditation on the Heart’s University Program, Hurqayla Healing Practitioner Training, and the Graduate Program in Spiritual Leadership. He also served as winter programs coordinator at the Lama Foundation retreat center. Professionally, Robert is a senior technology executive in the banking industry and is currently completing his master’s degree at Georgetown University. He is the co-author of three books.

Event Schedule

We meditate Tuesday evenings each week on Zoom at 7:30pm Eastern, and with an additional special class on Sunday afternoons available through the iamHeart organization.

Join our email list to receive the Zoom link information be notified when the next session is about to start.

We look forward to sitting with you!

Books & Readings

Get 1-on-1 Support

  • Personal coaching from Robert, schedule permitting.

“All surrender to beauty willingly, and to power unwillingly.”


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